Student Information
Welcome to the Student and Parents section of our website. The resources posted here will help students and families navigate life at Uniondale High School.
Student Handbook (revised handbook for the 2024-25 School Year coming soon)
Back to School Forms

Football team takes the field at Homecoming 2022
Resources for
Parents & Students:
Student's Creed
I believe that I can make a difference in my own life and in the lives of others by making good choices.
I choose to live a life of purpose.
I choose to come to school on time and prepared to learn.
I choose to practice the universal virtues of responsibility, respect, honesty, compassion, and courage.
I recognize that I may make some poor choices.
I will accept the consequences of my actions and reflect on how I could have made better choices.
I believe that my choices define who I am and who I will become.